Monday 1 January 2018

Welcoming 2018!

That's it, we're officially in 2018 now! So first of all:

☆★☆ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 ☆★☆

On the last days of 2016, I had written an entry about my resolutions for 2017 that you can read here. It's funny how I was saying that 2016 was a bad year, while 2017 was definitely worse as a whole... except for Lolita fashion! My Lolita year 2017 was definitely better than 2016!
So what were those resolutions? And did I keep them?

1. First resolution: reduce the size of my wardrobe.
Well... I didn't keep that resolution...
While I sold some things, I bought many new ones too so in the end I even think my wardrobe has even grown bigger. I think I'm quite hopeless about it, so I won't make that resolution again for 2018.

2. Try some different styles. I think I also failed on this one. I mostly wore Sweet Lolita and didn't make any experiments with my style. I made some modest attempts at Otome though, as I bought my very first Leur Getter dress and a new Emily Temple Cute JSK too! I like how Otome is more casual and comfortable than Lolita and it's great that I can wear it without a petticoat (because let's face it, wearing a petticoat for a whole day is torture more than anything else! Haha!)

3. Go to local events.
I went to some big events in 2017 like the Angelic Pretty Tea Party in Paris or Dream Masquerade Carnival in London, but I unfortunately only went to one event in my own country. It was a tea party at Ladurée's new tea room in Geneva. Many events were actually organized, but as I usually work on saturdays, so I couldn't attend. I have also been way too lazy and tired to try to organize anything by myself...

4. Wear Lolita at least one time per month.Ok, I actually didn't wear at least one outfit per month, but in the end I wore Lolita fashion 17 times in 2017, which make a ratio of  1.4 outfit per month! Haha. Of course, some months I didn't wear it at all, while some other months I wore it several times. I quite happy I managed to keep this resolution somehow! I had only wore Lolita 8 times in 2016, so that quite shows that I'm more motivated about the fashion again :)

Those were my 4 resolutions for 2017 and while I didn't really keep them, I feel like 2017 has been funnier, happier and better regarding the fashion! Let's make a timeline of this last year's outfits:

My style didn't change that much. Well, maybe it became a bit more simple ans casual? I bought my first OPs and a skirt too, that's something new!

For 2018, I won't make any resolutions, except maybe one: be happy! If I feel like selling things, then I should. If I want to buy new things, that's fine too. If I attend events, that's great! But if I don't have time or motivation for it, then I'm OK with it too. I want to be kind and indulging with myself in 2018!

What about you? Did you make resolutions for 2018?

1 comment:

  1. Finally found some time to write my comment on your post! Even though you didn't accomplish some of your resolutions I think you still can be proud on the things that you did in 2017. I really liked the fact that tried to reduce the size of our wardrobe but ended up having a slightly bigger one. Think we all share this problem within this fashion. So this was very recognisable for me as well. And so amazing that you where able to make 17 coord within the year I really like seeing your coords every time. I love how simple they are and still very you. Looking forward to see what 2018 will bring for you.
