Friday 14 April 2017

Metamorphose Garden Tea Time Set details

I said in my last entry that I would take and share details pictures of the dresses I recently bought during my trip to Japan and as I have some days off for Easter, I had time to quickly take some pictures today!

Metamorphose Garden Tea Time Set, which includes a JSK with an overskirt and a matching hat, was especially released for the Flower by LaforĂȘt event and was only sold there for a limited time, making this dress quite exclusive. Many Lolitas didn't even actually notice it I think which is a pity because it deserves lots of love! 
Before going to Japan, I already had spotted this gorgeous set and fell in love with it. I was afraid it would be sold out already by the time I would have been able to visit LaforĂȘt, but luckily it was still there! Let me tell you that I didn't hesitate much before buying it!

As usual, I can definitely say that the stock picture doesn't do this dress justice. Colours are brighter and bolder in real, while they look dull on the official picture. I hope my details shots will help the ones who didn't like that dress on the stock pic to change their mind ;)

Stock picture from LaforĂȘt website

I especially like how versatile the dress is. First, it features many colours and I will be able to wear it with dusty pink, cream, ivory, white, green and even why not, yellow! The big front bow is also detachable, and so is the overskirt. At the shop, they actually had put the bow at the back with the ribbon from the overskirt dangling at the front. It was also quite pretty worn this way! The dress seems quite fancy, but actually if you remove the bow and overskirt it also makes a nice casual dress! I can't wait to think about new coordinations!
But first here are my details pictures:

I can't get over how gorgeous this dress is ♥

The matching hat is AMAZING too ♥

The overskirt lace is so pretty and it also has pearls!

Oh I can't wait to wear the whole set, but honestly I think it deserves to be worn for a nice fancy event and I actually don't have any planned soon :( so maybe I will wait a bit before wearing it... I would love to go for a Marie-Antoinette look with this set!


  1. Meta is amazing, will always be one of my favorite brands. <3

  2. Such a gorgeous dress! I love floral pieces like this and can't wait to see you wear it.

  3. This is a very lovely dress and as you said, take away the big bow and the overskirt and it should be easy to wear it casually. I look forward to some coord photos to see how you'll wear it! :)
