Monday 3 August 2015

Street snap & fansign in Paris with RinRin Doll

This year, my Paris trip was quite short but intense. I just started a new job back then and I couldn't take like a week of holidays, so I just asked for a free day on friday so I could go to Paris from Friday July 3rd to Sunday July 5th. Quite short, uh? But a lot of amazing events took place during these 48 hours :)

I first arrived in Paris on friday evening and joined my dear friend Marie at the hotel! I was so so so happy I could share a room with her, because the last time I saw her was in Japan back in May 2014. I enjoyed being able to spend some precious moments with her!

It was awfully hot in the room an as it was quite late already, we didn't do much. We just went outside to get food, ate and then went to bed. The next day would be a VERY busy day with the fansign with RinRin Doll and the Angelic Pretty tea party!

Marie and I decided to directly wear our tea party outfits to the fansign. We hesitated quite a long time about it, but well I didn't really want to carry extra clothes with me... so despite the heat, we left the hotel all dressed up! Marie was wearing her gorgeous Mercator Antique Shop OP and I went for a retro look with my Fantasic Dolly JSK!

First stop of the day was Princess Crêpe where the lovely French Café team had planned a fansign with RinRin Doll! I was SO happy when they announced this event because I love RinRin, she is such a sweetheart! I already met her back in 2013 during the Kawaii Event in the Netherlands and since then she has been one of my models!
We arrived quite early at the shop (around 9:15 if I remember well?), but there were already many girls waiting in line! Haha. We quickly spotted Pom who came to say hello and we chatted for a while. Actually the heat was still bearable at this moment and I really enjoyed talking with my friends and taking pictures while waiting.

A little later, RinRin arrived, gorgeous as always, said hello to everybody and then went in the shop to prepare the fansign. While waiting, Diana from the French Café team came to sell us some gorgeous postcards of RinRin and Bloody was also selling amazing eyelashes designed by RinRin (I bought a pair... they were just too pretty!).

Lovely postcards! I kept one for myself and gave the other one to Marie-Lou!

The closer I was in the line, the more my heart was pounding. When it finally was my turn, I was shaking. I went to sit next to RinRin and we started chatting. She said I was beautiful and liked my outfit, which made me really happy. We talked about the event in the Netherlands and she remembered me ;____; I think I died at this moment. Haha! I then gave her the illustration I made (with shaking hands) and when I said I made it because I didn't want to give her Swiss chocolates again so told me "Oh yes these ones... I ate them all!" which was funny! She is such a lovely and cheerful person!
She signed two cards for me, took pictures with me and then my turn was over. She hugged me and I invited her to Switzerland :D She said she would come with pleasure (I actually hope I can plan something in the future to make her come?)

At this moment, I was filled with happiness. I forgot about all my problems, about the heat, about everything. I was just simply happy!

RinRin and I ♥ Picture by French Café

When I left the shop, Marie asked me for a outfit snap! I jumped on the occasion because I love Marie's pictures! Haha. She also took one of Zoe, Bloody and I who were all wearing Fantasic Dolly! Yay!

Thank you French Café for the lovely picture!

Bloody, Zoe and I all in Fantasic Dolly!

After that, it was time to leave. I started to feel really really hot and Marie and I wanted to get some rest before the 2nd round (aka Angelic Pretty tea party). After saying hello/goodbyes to friends, we left and went to a near-by Starbucks. It was SO COLD inside, I was living again! Haha! We stayed there for a while, joined a little later by Chieko who had to get dressed for the tea party.
Around 12:45 we finally left and went on our way to the tea party...... but that will be the next entry ;)

To finish, I just want to thank all the French Café team which made an AMAZING job for the fansign! Thank you so much guys!


  1. It's so lovely to see your happiness in your photo with RinRin and to read about your meeting! I'll await the next post with anticipation, haha.

    1. Awwww thank you :)
      I'll try to post my tea party entry by the end of the week!

  2. Ah tu étais si jolie et élégante en rose et noir !
    Nous étions ravie de t'avoir vue à Paris ! <3
