Thursday 13 November 2014

French Café Halloween Tea Time 2014

After the walk on saturday, there was a tea time planned on sunday November 2nd! I love love love tea parties, so I was really excited to actually organize my very first "official" one! Marie-Lou knew a super lovely place called "Le petit coin gourmand" (which can be roughly translated in English by "the small gourmand corner") in Lausanne and we decided to have the tea time there! All the guests had to get an invitation before the event and we gladly sold all the tickets, but unfortunately some guests were sick and couldn't come, so in the end we were 14 people. French Café staff had prepared lovely Halloween gifts for all the attendees with candies, Halloween buttons designed by Marie, a Yankee candle and cards from our partners.

Gifts and Hallowen decorations hand cut by me!

Once everyone got a gift and entered the tea room, we could sit and choose our drink. I took a delicious Earl Grey myself, one of my favourite kind of tea! And after a while, the AMAZING pastries were served.


"Mille-feuilles, caracs, éclairs au chocolat"

"Mousse de fruits rouges, tarte tatin"

My pastries ♥ They were more than delicious!

While eating our delicious food and drinking our teas, we chatted and took pictures. Then, it was time for the raffle! French Café prepared 3 prizes for each of the 3 tea times in Lausanne, Bruxelles and Toulouse! There was a cute bat clip from Moon Bunny, a lovely accessory from Owloli and a bat bonnet from Medusa Couture.

I really like this picture of me, taken by Lea :)

It was already quite late and we wanted to enjoy the last rays of sun, so we left the tea room to have a walk in Ouchy, near the Leman Lake! We were really lucky because it was a beautiful Fall afternoon! We took individual pictures of all the attendees and also group pictures! Lots of people were staring at us and some were quite rude as usual, but as Lolitas we're used to it I guess! Haha

Kokoro ♥

I can't post ALL the pictures I took, but here are some of my ultimate favourite:

Marie-Lou, taking pictures! With our beautiful Swiss mountains in the background :)

Hug ♥

Gorgeous Geni ♥ Isn't she lovely in these colours?

Lea was so elegant ♥

The organizers: Marie-Lou and I

After that, the sun was almost gone and it started to be quite cold... so it was time to say goodbye! It was a wonderful day ♥
To end this entry, here is my outfit rundown :) 

 ♥ AatP Elisabeth Bride of the Death JSK - November 2nd 2014 ♥

Headband: Claire's
Blouse: H&M
Tights: DIM
Shoes: Bodyline
Wrist Cuffs: AatP
Sash: Handmade
Rings: Claire's & Chocomint

I wanted to be the ghost of Empress Elisabeth!

Trying to look spooky... *fail*

I was a little sad this Halloween weekend was over. I had a lot of fun planning everything with Marie-Lou and French Café team and I can't wait to organize other events in the future!

Monday 10 November 2014

French Café Halloween Fashion Walk 2014 in Lausanne!

On November 1st, there was a special event in Lausanne organised by my fellow Lolita friend Marie-Lou and I for French Café: the Halloween fashion walk!
French Café was hosting a walk in all the francophone countries of the association: France, Belgium and Switzerland! We were a little late in Switzerland ( I know, that's bad for a country famous for its watches!) and joined the project in late August. We didn't have a lot of time to plan everything, but I think we did great!
I really enjoyed working with the French Café team and I hope we will be able to have other events in Switzerland in the future :)

Here was our route, planned by Marie-Lou!

In the end, we were not so many participating in the event, but we had a great time and everybody looked amazing! And I think it was not that bad for a first time event in Switzerland!
At 14:45 we left Place de l'Europe and headed to Parc de Mon Repos where we would have a picnic! Marie-Lou even made delicious brownies for us to eat!

Leaving Place de l'Europe! Weather was sunny, yay!

Walking in the streets of Lausanne!

Arriving at Parc de Mon Repos!

We made quite a long stop at Parc de Mon Repos, to eat our picnic but also to take outfits pictures! Here are some that I really like:

Anne was a cute little candy demon! ♥

Iro had a spooky skull makeup! It was amazing!

Marie-Lou was a creepy doll!
And me! I went for a circus inspired outfit :)


 ♥ Angelic Pretty Moon Night Theater JSK - November 1st 2014 ♥

Hat: Offbrand
Cardigan: Vivienne Westwood
JSK: Angelic Pretty
Socks: AatP
Shoes: Montreal
Wristcuffs: AatP
Brooch: Chocomint
Necklace: Claire's
Rings: Chocomint & Claire's

It's Halloween, so I needed to pose with a pumpkin!


This outfit was quite different from what I usually wear, but I really liked it :) Maybe I should wear black more often? What do you think? 

Anyway, back on tracks! After our picnic, we went to the Lausanne cathedral where we made another stop to take some more pictures! Here is a picture with my lovely friends: 

After that, we slowly went back to Place de l'Europe where we said goodbye.... but not for long as on the next day an Halloween tea party was planned! But I will talk about this in my next entry :)

What about you? Did you celebrate Halloween? What did you wear?

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Review: Sweet Lolita Bow T-strap shoes from Meilrs on Ebay

I have been looking to buy purple/lavender shoes for a while now. I first tought of buying tea party shoes, but after some thinking I decided I wanted something more elegant and feminine. I made a quick search on Ebay and found this link:

As they were quite cheap, I decided to buy them. I didn't really have great expectations, because for the price I didn't expect the best quality... I was wrong!!! I received the shoes today and they are amazing, so I thought I should write a review about them for all the Lolitas who are searching for cute cheap shoes :)

First of all, here are the stock pictures of the shoes I bought, taken from the Ebay listing: 

They come in purple, pink and beige colours

I made my order on October 15 and I received the shoes (from China to Switzerland) today November 4. So they took a little more than 2 weeks to arrive. I paid 19.99 USD for the shipping and got a tracking number from the seller. The shoes were really well packed (sorry I don't have any picture of the package) in a sturdy shoe box wrapped in plastic.
Inside the box, here is what I found:

Lovely shoes ♥

It was a really nice surprise! They looked well-made, sturdy and of course really cute! The only thing that was not so great was the smell, but the shoes themselves don't smell bad, I think it was more the box!
I inspected them carefully but I couldn't find any glue stain or problem. They were perfect
Then, I tried them on and I have to say they run a little small, but they still fit me quite well so I would say the size is accurate. If you prefer to have some room in your shoes, I would definitely recommend to order a size bigger. 
Here are more details of the shoes: 

Cute front bows ♥
Soles are clean!
Finishing details are perfect: no lose thread, no glue, no stain!
You can use the hook to easily close or open the strap!

I paid the shoes 13.66 USD which makes 13 CHF or 11 euros. It is REALLY cheap for such a great quality! I now can't wait to wear them in a lovely lavender coordination!

You can check Meilrs Ebay page here! They have lots of different cute shoes!
Let me know if this review was useful, thank you :)