Thursday 5 April 2018

Angelic Pretty Otome Tutu Doll - A photoshoot by the lake (again)!

Hi everybody! I hope everyone is enjoying the first day of Spring!
It has still been quite cold these past few weeks here in Switzerland, but finally we're getting some sun and a warmer weather! I really can't wait for Summer!

Anyway, some weeks ago I fell head over heels in love with an Angelic Pretty dress: the Otome Tutu Doll JSK in pink (but honestly... that name... hahaha). I immediately contacted Tenshi Shop to get it for me, as I knew I'd barely have any chance to get it online as it was planned to be very popular.
As usual, Tenshi Shop did an amazing job and got everything I wanted: the pink JSK and a cute matching ribbon (which is actually not matching the dress at all... but it's cute and I'll wear it anyway so that's fine!)

Isn't that dress gorgeous?!

The "matching" ribbon!

I quickly received the dress and let me tell you: it is amazingly gorgeous! I could totally get married in that dress! I love the different layers of chiffon and satin, the velvet ribbons and the cut which is really elegant! I was already thinkng about how to wear it when I suddenly found a cute pullover that would perfectly go with it at a random shop here called Zebra (that pullover has such a larme kei feeling!)

Also, on one of the French-speaking Lolita group I follow on Facebook, the admin suggested a theme of the month challenge, and that theme was "Spring" so I was also inspired by it. I wanted my outfit to have flowers, but in a discreet way, to show that winter isn't that far yet.

♥ Angelic Pretty Otome Tutu Doll  ♥ 

Roses: H&M and Claire's
Hair ribbon: Angelic Pretty
  JSK: Angelic Pretty
Pullover: Zebra

Tights: Offbrand

Shoes: Bought on Ebay
Bracelets: Claire's

Rings: Violet Fane & Zygomatics

This brooch is a gift rom my Japanese relatives ♥ it matches the dress so perfectly!

As I had some days off for Easter and just had bought a new camera, I thought "why not go outside and take some lovely pictures by the lake?"
I hired my mom as my photographer and there we went! On the way, many people in cars honked at me... As it is a tradition here when people are getting married, I think they thought I was a bride? Haha. I could have been. I agreed with my mom that if someone was asking anything, we'd reply it's my wedding to avoid long explanations about what Lolita fashion actually is. XD

I really like when my mom takes pictures of me. I don't have much self-confidence actually, but I always find myself pretty on pictures she takes. She says it's because she is taking them with the eyes of love, because for her I am the most precious person of her life. How sweet is that?

This is my favourite picture of the day! ♥

If you read my blog, maybe you noticed I already had pictures taken at that spot (you can read about it here)! I think it's a great place, because it's quiet and you have the city and the moutains in the background!